Company health management
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Committee
The committee deals with current topics in the areas of occupational safety and health promotion. Occupational safety specialists, the company doctor, works council members and the head of HR are represented on the council.
BKK Salzgitter
In order to keep our employees fit and healthy, we offer various health campaigns at the various locations with our co-operation partners from BKK Salzgitter, of which we are a member. A contact person regularly organises so-called consultation days at our locations, where open questions can be clarified. The co-operation gives BKK policyholders the opportunity to receive a bonus payment of up to 160 euros per year by participating in the health measures.
Company agreement on workplace health promotion
The aim of the agreement is to maintain or improve the health of our employees. By offering regular health measures that take place during working hours and whose participation is voluntary, awareness is raised for health-promoting behaviour. At Fels, we firmly believe that employee health is a management task. “Leadership and health” is therefore an integral part of our management development programme.
Company integration management
After a longer absence from work, a smooth reintegration into everyday working life is guaranteed. As an employer, it is our duty and our need to overcome the incapacity to work of our company’s employees as far as possible, to prevent renewed incapacity to work and to maintain the job of the employee concerned in individual cases.
Occupational health care and regular health check-ups
Our company doctor not only carries out regular statutory check-ups at our sites, but also additional preventive measures to ensure the well-being of our employees. Through workplace inspections, our employees benefit from the information provided, e.g. on the subject of ergonomics. In the event of addiction problems, we are available to our employees with help and advice within the framework of the applicable general works agreement.
pme health service
Thanks to our co-operation with pme health service, our employees have the option of calling a hotline 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Trained experts are available in difficult situations (including lawyers, psychologists, management consultants, etc.). Whether it’s a marriage crisis, debts, conflicts with colleagues, caring for relatives or childcare, all employees can use this service without restriction, free of charge and, above all, anonymously in compliance with all data protection guidelines.
Fels would like to encourage its trainees to take part in sporting activities and grants them a monthly subsidy to finance their membership of a sports club or gym.